
This model is used to track submission of Pension Contributions to an external data provider.

Name / Description Type / Format Example
employerId integer int32 0
payRunId integer int32 0
payPeriod string "Custom" "Monthly" "FourWeekly" "Fortnightly" "Weekly" "Daily"
ordinal integer int32 0
period integer int32 0
taxYear string "Year2017" "Year2018" "Year2019" "Year2020" "Year2021" "Year2022" "Year2023" "Year2024" "Year2025"
schemeId integer int32 0
status string "Queued" "Sent" "Failed" "Processing"
externalId string "string"
statusMessage string "string"
submissionData {}
The unique id of the object
string uuid "string"
  "employerId": 0,
  "payRunId": 0,
  "payPeriod": "Custom",
  "ordinal": 0,
  "period": 0,
  "taxYear": "Year2017",
  "schemeId": 0,
  "status": "Queued",
  "externalId": "string",
  "statusMessage": "string",
  "submissionData": {},
  "id": "string"
Contained in Models

- none -

Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations
Contributions for Payrun