
Name / Description Type / Format Example
stagingDate string date "2025-02-05"
cyclicalReenrolmentDate string date "2025-02-05"
previousCyclicalReenrolmentDate string date "2025-02-05"
defaultPension PensionSelection {PensionSelection}
pensionSameAsDefault boolean true
The number of days, if any, to defer assessment of new employees.
You're allowed to defer assessment of new employees by up to 3 months.
This is the default value used when you create a new employee. It can be changed on a per-employee basis.
integer int32 0
If set to true then the value in DaysToDeferAssessment will be treated as a number of months, not a number of days
boolean true
The number of days )or weeks, or months), if any, to defer enrolment of employees that are Eligible Jobholders.
For example, if this is set to 30 days then if an employee meets the criteria for enrolment then they'll only be enrolled if they still meet the criteria 30 days later
integer int32 0
deferEnrolmentByPeriodType string "Days" "Weeks" "Months" "PayPeriods"
Whether or not to include details of non-pensioned employees in your submissions to this provider
boolean true
The unique id of the object
string uuid "string"
  "stagingDate": "2025-02-05",
  "cyclicalReenrolmentDate": "2025-02-05",
  "previousCyclicalReenrolmentDate": "2025-02-05",
  "defaultPension": {
    "id": "string",
    "pensionSchemeId": "string",
    "pensionScheme": {
      "name": "string",
      "provider": {
        "name": "string",
        "accountNo": "string",
        "portal": "string",
        "website": "string",
        "address": "error too many levels",
        "telephone": "string",
        "papdisVersion": "PAP10",
        "papdisProviderId": "string",
        "papdisEmployerId": "string",
        "csvFormat": "Papdis",
        "excludeNilPaidFromContributions": true,
        "payPeriodDateAdjustment": 0,
        "miscBoolean1": true,
        "miscBoolean2": true,
        "miscString1": "string",
        "miscString2": "string",
        "optOutWindow": 0,
        "optOutWindowIsMonths": true,
        "id": "string"
      "administrator": {
        "name": "string",
        "email": "string",
        "address": "error too many levels",
        "telephone": "string",
        "id": "string"
      "pensionRule": "ReliefAtSource",
      "qualifyingScheme": true,
      "disableAeLetters": true,
      "subtractBasicRateTax": true,
      "payMethod": "Cash",
      "bankDetails": {
        "bankName": "string",
        "bankBranch": "string",
        "bankReference": "string",
        "accountName": "string",
        "accountNumber": "string",
        "sortCode": "string",
        "note": "string",
        "buildingSocietyRollNumber": "string"
      "useCustomPayCodes": true,
      "useCustomPayCodesForTierablePay": true,
      "customPayCodes": [
      "tierablePayCustomPayCodes": [
      "workerGroups": [
          "name": "string",
          "contributionLevelType": "UserDefined",
          "employeeContribution": 0.0,
          "employeeContributionIsPercentage": true,
          "employerContribution": 0.0,
          "employerContributionIsPercentage": true,
          "employerContributionTopUpPercentage": 0.0,
          "employerContributionIncludesNiSaving": true,
          "employerContributionNiSavingPercentage": 0.0,
          "isAvc": true,
          "additionalVoluntaryContribution": 0.0,
          "avcIsPercentage": true,
          "employerContributionNiSaving": 0.0,
          "customThreshold": true,
          "lowerLimit": 0.0,
          "upperLimit": 0.0,
          "papdisGroup": "string",
          "papdisSubGroup": "string",
          "localAuthorityNumber": "string",
          "schoolEmployerType": "string",
          "matIdentifier": "string",
          "matUniqueNumber": "string",
          "employerReference": "string",
          "lgpsFund": "Avon",
          "workerGroupId": "string",
          "assumedPensionablePay": "AssumedPensionablePay",
          "pensionablePayDefinition": "NotApplicable",
          "payslipDescription": "string",
          "id": "string"
      "externalDataProviderId": "SmartPension_Employer",
      "externalDataCompany": {
        "id": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "schemeName": "string"
      "payCodeType": "Default",
      "tierablePayPayCodeType": "Default",
      "payCodeSetUniqueId": "string",
      "tierablePayPayCodeSetUniqueId": "string",
      "paymentDateRule": "OnPayDate",
      "paymentDateDayOfWeek": "Sunday",
      "paymentDateDayOfMonth": 0,
      "reportOptionsLgpsIConnect": {
        "fileType": "SingleFile",
        "payrollReference1": "Empty",
        "payrollReference2": "Empty",
        "payrollReference3": "Empty",
        "populateEmailAddress": true,
        "populateTelephoneNumber": true,
        "populateMobileNumber": true,
        "populateWorksPlaceName": true,
        "populateWorksAddress": true,
        "populateWorksEmailAddress": true,
        "includeEmploymentBreaks": true,
        "breakReasonSmpIndicatorOnly": true,
        "populateMaritalStatus": true,
        "includeAeQualifyingEarnings": true,
        "proRatePtHoursByTermTimeWeeks": true,
        "ignoreTermTimeWeeksForFteFinalPay": true,
        "showFteAnnualSalaryForFteFinalPay": true,
        "casualStaffHoursAsOne": true,
        "casualStaffIndicatorAsY": true,
        "ignoreHours": true,
        "forceUpperCase": true,
        "salaryType": "PayOnJoining",
        "customText": "string"
      "reportOptionsLgpsCivicaUpm": {
        "payrollNumber": "PayrollCode",
        "casualHours": "ReportAsZero",
        "omitHeaderLine": true,
        "includeFolderNo": true,
        "excludeSchoolEmployerName": true,
        "addressesForNewJoinersOnly": true,
        "proRatePtHoursWeeksWorked": true,
        "fullTimeHoursAsOneHundred": true,
        "includeWeeksWorkedColumns": true
      "deficitValueOrdinal": 0,
      "deficitValue": 0.0,
      "includeDeficitValue": true,
      "deficitValuePayPeriod": "Custom",
      "nominalCodeMappings": [
          "nominalCode": "string",
          "nominalName": "string",
          "journalNarrative": "string",
          "payCode": "string"
      "id": "string"
    "workerGroupId": "string"
  "pensionSameAsDefault": true,
  "daysToDeferAssessment": 0,
  "deferByMonthsNotDays": true,
  "deferEnrolmentBy": 0,
  "deferEnrolmentByPeriodType": "Days",
  "includeNonPensionedEmployeesInSubmission": true,
  "id": "string"
Contained in Models
Consumed by Operations

- none -

Returned by Operations

- none -